Tired but Still Trying

“I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up, still looking up. Well I won’t give up on us, God knows I’m tough enough, we’ve got a lot to learn, but God knows we’re worth it.” – I Won’t Give Up, Jason Mraz

This song was one of me and my former lover’s theme songs. I can’t remember when, I can’t remember where, and I can’t remember why we made this song as one of the songs that sing the love we have in our relationship. This song of never giving up is one of the songs that break my heart the most whenever I hear it playing on the radio, on the car, or anywhere, mainly because it reminds me of those days when me and my former lover promised not to give up on each other.

We would always say that we would last. “I love you, forever.” “I’ll be here for you always.” “I will never stop loving you.” “You will always be the one.” “I won’t give up on us.” These phrases were promises we didn’t know we couldn’t keep. We kept on saying these to each other because it made us feel better and it gives us a very happy feeling to know that the person we love would not give up on us and will keep on fighting for us no matter what.

Unfortunately, promises are meant to be broken.

Here we are, breaking all our promises one by one. “I love you, forever.” has now been countered with “I can’t love you anymore.”, “I’ll be here for you always.” has become “I’m sorry but I don’t have time.”, “I will never stop loving you.” has turned to “I don’t have feelings for you anymore.”, “You will always be the one.” has changed to “I’m sorry but I have to find somebody new soon.” and “I won’t give up on us.” has now become “I already gave up on us.”

It’s very heartbreaking to know that the person who you once considered to be your knight in shining armor has become the person who you feared him to be, somebody that you used to know. The person whom you thought would share his lifetime to you has become a stranger who wouldn’t even spend a minute or two just to listen to you. The person whom you gave your everything to has now become the person who walked away and left you with nothing.

When the person whom you never thought would give up on you, gave up on you, you might as well do the same thing. No matter how hard you try to bring them back, if they really don’t want to be back, they won’t. Walk away now and be okay later, rather than trying to stay now and regret it later. Giving up on someone you love is hard, but it’s going to be worth it. Just like me, I’m tired, but I’m still trying.

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